Contact us to request a speaker for your event or program from our Speaker's Bureau of lawyers and other civil liberties advocates who are prepared to discuss a variety of civil liberties issues and the work of the ACLU.

Please help us figure out the best possible speaker for your event by indicating:

  • your topic(s) of interest
  • proposed date(s)
  • specific information about the audience (both composition and size)
  • specific information about the format and the length of the speech
  • whether the event is public and
  • whether there is an honorarium
  • what your publicity needs are (for instance, photo or biography of speaker)

We will contact you to discuss further if necessary, or to let you know that we have a speaker lined up for you.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about the ACLU!

Speaker Requests

ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties

PO Box 87131

San Diego, CA 92138-7131


info [at] aclusandiego [dot] org