On May 1, all across California and around the world, ordinary people will come together at parades, rallies, and festivals on May Day in celebration of the social and economic achievements of the labor movement, and in support of immigrants' rights.

If you go, be sure to browse our activists' rights guide online, or print out a simple one-pager of tips and legal resources to bring with you as you celebrate.

Free Speech is for Everyone.
Whether you're a seasoned organizer or are new to demonstrations, you have the right to speak out. The law is on your side when it comes to freedom of expression, but you might still encounter challenges tomorrow if you don't understand the limits to your rights, so be prepared.
• When do I need a police permit?
• Are there things I can’t say or do?
• Are there any limitations on when or where I can demonstrate?
• What about civil disobedience?

Our friends at the ACLU of Northern California created the guide Free Speech, Protests, and Demonstrations in California to help you answer questions like these. Learn about your free-speech rights under the U.S. and California constitutions, know what to do if your rights have been violated, and know the limits to your rights--including what activities are or are not protected.

Remember: Speak out. Speak up. Speak freely.

Activists' Guide

free speech & protest booklet.pdf

One-Pager Tips & Resources

rights_of_demonstrators 1pg.pdf